
Showing posts from May, 2015

Losing a loved One

Losing someone is always painful. Whether they move away or die, the loss is always unbearable and cannot be explained. I had the chance of experiencing death of someone close last week. One of our cats died after a week of suffering and pain. He was less than a year old and it pained me to see his life taken at a young age. I somehow knew it was his last day looking at his fragile body and abrupt chills. He was born in our home, with a litter mate. The two of them were very close and one would be upset if the other one wasn't available. It used to remind me of my camaraderie with my sister during our childhood. When they weren't playing, they would happily be asleep on our sofas and chairs and sometimes even beds. But we never stopped them. They were raised by their mother and we were mere spectators to their lives. He was a chirpy fellow. Unlike his brother, he didn't run away whenever we felt like carrying him in our laps. He had a deep voice and never shied